Who visits Aquatherm Moscow?

In 2023, 25,549 people visited the Aquatherm Moscow exhibition. Among them are installation, design and building construction specialists, representatives of trading companies. In this news, we will present a detailed business profile of the visitors of the exhibition.

Attendance at Aquatherm Moscow 2023 has increased significantly compared to the previous year - by 43%. The guests of the exhibition were specialists from 82 regions of Russia and 36 countries of the world. A third of visitors in 2023 came to the exhibition for the first time.

Visitors to Aquatherm Moscow are industry specialists

Every year Aquatherm Moscow is visited by professionals in the field of equipment for heating, water supply, swimming pools, saunas and spas. In 2023, half of the visitors were wholesale and retail companies, 34% were engaged in installation, design and building construction. At the exhibition site, they look for the necessary equipment for work and business.

Aquatherm Moscow 2023

Visitors to Aquatherm Moscow occupy management positions

The exhibition is visited not just by specialists with significant experience in the industry. The majority of Aquatherm Moscow guests (72%) work as a company senior manager/owner, devision manager or line manager.

Business negotiations at the exhibition are successful - 94% of visitors participate in making decisions on the purchase of exhibitors' products. More than 50 million rubles - the purchase budget of 29% of visitors representing large companies.

Aquatherm Moscow 2023

Purchase of equipment in the plans of most visitors

According to the survey for 2023, half of the visitors (14,857 people) came to the exhibition to get acquainted with products, services and suppliers. For 7,127 people, the exhibition is an opportunity to keep abreast of what is happening in the industry and communicate with their colleagues and partners.

Experts consider Aquatherm Moscow as an opportunity to purchase every equipment they need on one site. In 2023, 78% of visitors (19,928 people) planned to purchase exhibitors' products based on the results of visiting the exhibition.

The audience of the exhibition is interested in cooperation with manufacturers and suppliers! Take part in Aquatherm Moscow 2024 with your stand and get access to your target audience.