Your target audience at Aquaflame by Aquatherm Moscow 2025

84% of the audience of Aquatherm Moscow 2024 are represented by design, installation and construction organizations, enterprises of wholesale and retail trade.

Aquatherm Moscow 2024 was visited by 29 133 specialists from 33 countries and 83 regions of the Russian Federation. The growth compared to last year amounted to 14% (25,549 people in 2023). What makes this audience a target audience - learn from this news

Aquaflame by Aquatherm Moscow
Aquaflame by Aquatherm Moscow exhibition

Visitors of the exhibition - industry experts

At Aquaflame by Aquatherm Moscow professionals are looking for new equipment and time-tested engineering solutions. Installation, design and construction organizations and trading companies in 2024 were represented by 84% of visitors. Distribution by type of company activity was as follows:

  • Wholesale and retail companies - 48%
  • Installation organizations - 21%
  • Design and construction organizations - 15%
  • Equipment manufacturers - 10%

Visitors of the exhibition - top management

The majority of visitors (72%) occupy managerial positions, which greatly accelerates and facilitates business negotiations on the exhibition site:

  • Founder / head of the company - 38%
  • Deputy head of the company - 12%
  • Head of department/group - 22%

In addition, 93% of visitors are involved in making purchasing decisions for products presented at the exhibition.

Visitors to the exhibition are interested in the exhibitors' products

Specialists come to the exhibition with a specific purpose - to familiarize themselves with new equipment and find specific solutions for their needs. As the survey showed, in the plans of 75% of visitors to Aquatherm Moscow 2024 was the purchase of products of the exhibitors at the end of the exhibition. As a result, 76% of participants managed to find new customers and business partners at the exhibition.

Get access to 29+ thousand representatives of the target audience - book your stand at the upcoming exhibition!

Aquaflame by Aquatherm Moscow 2025 will be held on February 4-7 in Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC.